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Course provided by Pacific Sailing School

Located at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia

Course certificate and materials included

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Book a Course
Course Summary

Course provided by Pacific Sailing School

Located at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia

Course certificate and materials included

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RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Shorebased Course

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster

eLearning and Virtual Shorebased Theory Course

The RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster eLearning and Virtual Shorebased theory course build on the basics of navigation, meteorology and passage making taught in the RYA Day Skipper course. This advanced knowledge level is perfect for students wishing to progress to the RYA practical courses and the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence.

It is an intensive course covering advanced navigation techniques including – position fixing, course shaping and plotting, tidal knowledge including secondary port calculations, navigation in restricted visibility, Admiralty publications and electronic position finding equipment. Meteorology includes getting and the interpretation of forecasts, the plotting of weather systems, weather prediction and electronic navigation.

You will learn to use all the available information and electronic navigation systems for planning and executing passage plans. The International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea are covered in detail, and we will also learn more about yacht stability and safety offshore.

It is strongly recommended that students have a good grasp of theory subjects to Day Skipper standard and have a good knowledge of the collision regulations before attending.


The blended eLearning and virtual course includes 16 modules and is blended with six – three-hour virtual sessions plus exams.

Revisit exercises at any time, ask questions, your eLearning instructor can help ensure you are using these skills whenever you are skippering and passage planning for your next adventures. The online course can be completed at your own pace and revisited to refresh at any time in the future.

During the virtual sessions, the more challenging topics are taught to increase your knowledge in advance of completing the e-learning questions. This can enable a deeper understanding and help to reduce the time to complete the exercises. In addition, the instructor adds to the course with real life examples of the subjects covered.

This unique course is accessible from anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere. The virtual training sessions are run from 1800 to 2100 (Sydney time) midweek evenings this is the course for you. The course is first class and delivered by our expert RYA Yachtmaster Instructors.



RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster

eLearning Shorebased Theory Course

The RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster eLearning theory course build on the basics of navigation, meteorology and passage making taught in the RYA Day Skipper course. This advanced knowledge level is perfect for students wishing to progress to the RYA practical courses and the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence.

It is an intensive course covering advanced navigation techniques including – position fixing, course shaping and plotting, tidal knowledge including secondary port calculations, navigation in restricted visibility, Admiralty publications and electronic position finding equipment. Meteorology includes getting and the interpretation of forecasts, the plotting of weather systems, weather prediction and electronic navigation.

You will learn to use all the available information when planning and executing passage plans. The International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea are covered in detail, and we will also learn more about yacht stability and safety offshore.

It is strongly recommended that students have a good grasp of theory subjects to Day Skipper standard and have a good knowledge of the collision regulations before attending.



This eLearning course includes 16 modules plus exams.

Revisit exercises at any time, ask questions, your eLearning instructor can help ensure you are using these skills whenever you are skippering and passage planning for your next adventures. The online course can be completed at your own pace and revisited to refresh at any time in the future.

This unique course is accessible from anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere. The course is first class and delivered by our expert RYA Yachtmaster Instructors.

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